
To be authentic means to be original and not copy. Although part of me does agree that it is possible to be authentic, I do feel that there is a running theme within all work that showcase an element of copying. One piece of ā€œartā€ that always sticks in my mind is ā€˜Fountainā€™, which was produced by Marcel Duchamp in 1917. I always wonder how it is authentic as he wasnā€™t the one who designed a urinal in the first place. Saying this I believe that authenticity is a very personal thing and the creator/artist is the one who knows whether their art is truly authentic.

I always question the meaning of authenticity, especially in art. Everything has a basis and therefore everything is in a sense is copied. With art I feel we need to celebrate the recycling of ideas and maybe come away from the idea that everything must be authentic since authenticity is a hard thing to achieve. Trying too hard to be authentic could take away from the art itself if people feel limited.

Modernist Art is a rejection of history and conservative values. Despite this I do feel it holds a place in contemporary practice as this rejection in my opinion is another branch of art, it allows people to be more expressive and free and is really changing the way we see art.Ā  On a personal note some of my favourite artists are modernist and I think these expressive forms are really important.

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