Counterculture art

The counterculture art movement started in the 1960’s as a  anti-establishment movement that first started in the United States and the United Kingdom. The counterculture art movement was also used to show the problems with society for work was made for the civil rights movement and for the LGBT community.

The photographer called John Hopkins was heavily involved in the the counterculture movement he took a lot of pictures of male sex workers the pictures have a powerful message because all of the pictures art taken in real locations they are often taken in the flat or apartment. You are also able to see the mans eyes this makes the image a lot more personal this is because if you make eye contact it gives you a personal connection with the person. In his pictures he shows sensibility for the men and their line of work that they are in this shows that way that he try’s to capture the person behind their mask.

The cover of Gandalf's Garden magazine


This piece was from a magizene called Gandalf’s Garden the magizene was ran by a man called Muz Murray this piece shows a man hatching out of an egg. In the description of the image it said  ‘That’s Muz emerging from the cosmic egg.’ This decription is very important because it fits in with a lot of the spiritualism that was present at the time, this is also very well presented because it uses surreal imagery that could be used to show off a spertual message that the more people that accept it the more people will ‘hatch’ and develope as a person.


On Gandalf’s Garden they willImage result for Gandalf’s Garden always will have different cover art in this piece you can see detonator getting to blow up a bain. In the background of the image is a depiction of Jeasus, with the title of mind revolution it makes it sound like they don’t want people to beleave in religion and Gandalf’s Garden looks like they will attempt to start a revolution angenst religion and it’s messages.




Overall the counterculture work is very often effective at communicating a message and it very often helped groups get the right they deserved this is through their creative imagrey and strong message they present.

Hopkins Produced 1964 Accessed December 2017

Murray Produced 1960 Accessed December 2017

Murray Produced 1960 Accessed December 2017

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