Task 1

This is a small piece of work that I produced in the first few weeks at WSA. In terms of timeline, it takes place near the end of my first sketchbook having already been directly influenced by David Shrigley and Walter Swennen. Both artists use short sharp text that looks as if it has been hastily written and written with a sense of freedom, in relation to its carefree aesthetic.
I was investigating femininity and masculinity, specifically points in which the two cross and the relationships between them. At the same time I did not wish to have an indisputable view or statement that overshadowed the viewers own opinions on the work. Instead I aimed to create an uncertain and questionable air surrounding an underlying theme of femininity, in essence the intent was to leave the viewer somewhat perplexed at the statement.

To develop the work further I would firstly experiment with scale, most probably making it much larger. I like the idea of having a large confusing assemblage of text dominating a space so that it is near impossible to ignore. I like the simplicity of the image so I would possibly just explore different colour and compositions, rather than building layers. I feel that by complicating the image it may belittle the text.

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