Task 3: ‘Technology is the mortal enemy of art’

I both agree and disagree with the quote ‘Technology is the mortal enemy of art’ from Manifesto of the Constructivist Group. ([1]Rodchenko, A)

I believe that technology encourages laziness and plagiarism from new generations who refuse to create their own work and would step on the toes of other hard-working artists just to become more acknowledged by the public. There are many online who have stolen work and claimed it as their own just to get a viral piece of work which highly irritates me as there is no short cut to success and the satisfaction of your own success which those individuals are not receiving.

Technology however, is also a sign of progression such as with the letter press and computer software such as Adobe. It is another tool for us to choose to work with should we want to and new forms of art are being created daily from new advancements and inspiration from artists posting their work online pushing others to try new things. Technology is the encouragement needed to better ourselves and each other to keep evolving and as Aleksandr Rodchenko said ‘Future is our only objective’ ([2]The Art Story, www.theartstory.org) and technology is now used to aid in learning and producing work to a higher standard and larger audience then it would of in the past.

Technology does create a separation between the viewer and the work however, which galleries, where large volumes of people can view it, help to build that relationship to make it more personable and interactive. Balance is the key element meaning that we should still go back to more traditional methods and forms in our work whilst also using digital methods as well.


[1] Rodchenko, A, Who We Are: Manifesto of the Constructivist Group, https://issuu.com/rachelgweeks/docs/manifesto_issuu

[Accessed 21/10/17]

[2] The Art Storywww.theartstory.org, Aleksandr Rodchenko, http://www.theartstory.org/artist-rodchenko-alexander.htm

[Accessed 21/10/17]

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