Task 1

For the passport project I felt I wanted to do a scaled down version of my last project which was about the female identity. I felt as a passport is an individual’s national identity I could do a version of a passport which showed identity in the basic sense of femininity. Within the passport I did small sketches of body parts progressively getting to more intimate areas of the body as I felt it was a “journey” of discovery of the female form, keeping within the idea of travel associated with a passport but also a journey of self discovery in one’s self. I also added some initial detail to the sketches by doing simple textured backgrounds to draw over, I wanted to add texture to the sketches as I felt I wanted to do a visual representation of the layers of someone’s personality and also the layers of intimacy you can have with yourself or another. I felt these pieces developed from my love and curiosity for the female form and the concept of gender.

If I was to develop these pieces further I would do the sketches in a more refined manor and also on a larger scale, however, I did feel there was something quite intimate about the passport and the drawings within being small and personal. I would also like to experiment with different mediums to show more variety and depth within my work but as I was on a small time frame I stuck to pencil and Biro. Furthermore, I would develop the theme behind it all and make it more personal and make the pieces from my own perspective on what my identity is as a female, this may leave myself open to criticism but it would be my own opinion which I would defend.

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