Behavioural modelling is an important part of NPC development for games. Should emotive modelling be part of that development?

Incorporating real human behaviour into NPCs through human data has led to them seeming more believable and engaging, and give a larger range of outcomes than say, a decision tree. To introduce real human emotions into the mix would take up a huge amount of resources, as there are just so many different possibilities that would need to be accounted for. For example, parts of military training is often done in strategic multiplayer or single player games, where NPCs must be realistic and have to adapt to different environments and situations for the training to be effective. Even with behaviour modelling, NPCs still cannot act like a real-life enemy, but they can come close. Emotive modelling would require NPCs to act based on their mood and their attitude as a person; for example, a fearful person would not be likely to run in guns blazing. NPCs in these training exercises are not assigned a personality, and while this would be extremely challenging to implement, I believe it would add a new layer of realism to the exercise and make people think more carefully about how to approach a situation.

Consider your favourite video game. If it contains AI controlled agents how individualistic are they and their behaviours, and, how might you set about improving them?

My favourite game is Dishonored, a linear 3D stealth game developed by Arcane Studios, with many open areas involving guards and chief commanders you can take out, either by using stealth or attacking them head on. The guards are programmed to react based on your actions; if you make a loud noise they will typically question it and turn towards the sound. More impressive behaviours include the AI never forgetting that they saw you, noticing when their fellow guards aren’t at their post, and reactions to specific events, like deactivating barriers, which they will discuss with their friends.

However, in terms of individualism, the game falls flat, as almost all the guards sound, look and act the same. Killing one guard after another doesn’t feel like you’re taking on different people; it feels like you’re taking on an army of the same people. There is also a lack in variety of conversations you overhear between guards; many times, you will hear the uttering of, “Should we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?”. Because you could hear this from any guard, it essentially removes any thought that they could have a personality.

If I were to improve them, the first thing I would do would be to create varying reactions to the same situation. For example, when a guard sees you, instead of saying the typical, “There you are!”, some guards could react in disbelief, as they are not used to anything of interest happening, or some could jump aback as if it has startled them. I feel as if this would add more of a personality to the guards and thus creating a more immersive world.

Image result for dishonored

Spraragen, M. (n.d.). Modeling of Emotional Effects on Decision-making by Game Agents. Retirved from Science Direct:

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publish or perish

These poster was created by David King. He was a British designer, writer and historian of graphic design who. From this collection, he created a series of revelatory books unfolding the history of the Russian Revelatory, and its associated art and propaganda. He developed a special interest in Leaon Trostsky and the Subsequent doctoring of revolutionary photos and record.

for the past three decades David King has moved deftly between roles as designer, photographer, editor, researcher and author. His graphic style – an easily recognisable mix of explosive sans serif typography, solid planes of vivid colour and emphatic rules – reworked for the New Left in Britain the graphic language of the Russian Constructivists.

King was born in 1943, and studied at the London School of Printing and Graphic Arts (now London College of Printing) under Robin Fior, who describes King’s approach as ‘compare and contrast as a political stance’.



Cuber poster is the popular art form in Cuba following the Cuban Revolution, when the government sponsored some 10,000 public posters on a fascinating range of cultural, social, and political themes.

Alberto Korda was the official photographer of Fidel Castro. His photographs are known for their endurance. His most recognizable image of Che Guevara, titled “Guerillero Heroico”, became a worldwide emblem of revolution and rebellion. After Che’s death as martyr, this photograph was used in T-shirts and album covers and advertisers started using this image of Che to draw the attention of youth. But Alberto never made a penny from this renowned photograph. As a photographer, he always preferred to take photos in natural light. He, for the first time, used Cuban models to show off Cuban clothes. Earlier, he was more interested towards fashion photography. On account of the Cuban Revolution, the condition of the people living in poverty made him to change the subject of his photography. His photo “La Nina” represents the stories of the poor. Korda’s photographs served as the documentary of the entire Cuban revolution under the reign of Fidel Castro.

Emory Douglas was an integral part of the Black Panther Party, joining as minister of culture in 1967 and designing artwork that became potent symbols of the movement. Although the party ceased to function from 1980, its legacy goes on, as does Douglas’s work in an exhibition at Urbis, Manchester.



Task 9. Philosophy, Theory and Politics

Task 9- Philosophy, Theory and Politics

Carolee Schneemann Interior Scroll

Below is a print of two photographs documented from a performance piece at an exhibition called ‘Women Here and Now’ in New York, 1975. In front of a largely female audience Schneemann undressed and brushed her limbs with dark paint. As part of the performance aspect, she would take ‘action poses’ as though she was a life class model. She then read aloud a scroll she pulled from her vagina. This was argued by Robert C. Morgan to be ‘a feminist exploration her own body’. The scroll’s content is written on the two sides of the print in columns. The text itself is powerful, addressing how men traditionally are ordered and rational, whereas women tend to work from intuition. Amy Newman writes in the New York Times ‘the art world wasn’t shocked, it was confused and embarrassed’ in the 1960s about art that was purely of a sexual nature.



I admire Shneemann’s outrageous performance piece ‘Interior Scroll’. When looking inward, over my first year I hope to grasp and tackle poignant current issues. She writes that ‘in some sense [she] made a gift of [her] body to other women; giving our bodies back to ourselves’. With such an ambitious belief, conceptually and visually in her work, included in other pieces of her work also, it’s hard not to notice Schneemann as a hugely important feminist artist, offering guidance to women who may struggle with their own bodies.

Select one game of your interest and explain why does it have a good/bad game UI

A game I play very regularly is Hearthstone, a digital card game published by Blizzard. The UI in this game is some of the best I have ever seen; it is fluid and satisfying, and makes interactions in the game feel like a joy. The entire UI is based around a box you play inside, with wooden panelling and layers that make up the buttons; the reason for this was to ensure players would not find the UI distracting or immersion breaking. The game is set up so everything you need to see is always in view, with everything positioned right where it should be; your cards and hero power are always right in front of you, with other things like card history and your deck positioned to the side as not to interrupt the flow of the game.

Senior UI designer Derek Sakamoto explained at GDC 2015 how “the game is UI”, stating how it is not a game with a huge amount of action or monsters running around, so it would make sense to invest heavily into the UI design. He also mentions that many game designers fail to see the importance of UI, and don’t give it enough thought when designing a game. He points out when making a game, these designers create their mechanics and just “slap” a UI onto it. By having dedicated UI designers, they have managed to make their game so much more accessible and fun to play.

Discuss how technology augments human abilities. Reflect upon the implications of the future of HCI.

Augmented humanity has become more and more prevalent over time, with new technology being developed every year. We are more connected with our cars, TVs and phones because of technology such as speech recognition, touch screens, heartbeat sensors and so on. This comes with an increasing reliance on technology, as there are increasingly more tasks that our devices can accomplish for us. For example, Google Glass allows you to take a photo by winking, and mobile phones can now be unlocked in multiple ways, through a fingerprint scanner or through face recognition.

As for the future, this trend suggests that technological interfaces will become more natural and instinctive, increasing the connection to be stronger and more emotional between human and computer. The future of augmented humanity certainly seems to show promise for video games, with VR giving the potential for increased immersion, especially with the addition of equipment that can simulate your arm and leg movements in game. Also with VR comes a an improvement for health, for example autism therapy; rather than looking at toys on a table, kids can see virtual environments that can be tailored to their specific needs through sensory complexity. It has been reported that so far VR has had a calming effect on children with autism. This means that therapy could be delivered at home through VR headsets, rather than having to take trips to the doctors.

Nagubandi, A. (2016). The age of augmented humanity. Retrieved from The Hindu:

Park, M. (2017). 3 practical ways that VR is improving health care. Retrieved from Venturebeat:

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Choose one of the indie designers / developers and outline why their work and approach is of interest to you.

One indie developer I have enormous respect for is Playdead, both for their outlook on making games but also the sheer quality of their games. I am a huge fan of 2D platformers and I find Limbo and INSIDE to be two of the best, for their incredible atmospheres and attention to detail. INSIDE was in development for six years, a very long time for an indie company to make a game, but it does show. Even the smallest details have thought and time poured into them, especially the sound design; a real human skull was used to create haunting echoes and ambient sounds, and real breathing audio data was used to match the protagonist’s interactive movements to make his character seem more realistic. These considerations add up to make the game experience that much more enjoyable; I really admire that they only released the game when they knew they were fully happy with it. This shows that they like to create experiences that people will enjoy the most, rather than focusing on what could be the most profitable idea.

What do you think could be the most exciting indie projects that are in development?

An indie game I’ve very excited for is The Last Night which is in development by Odd Tales, and slated to release in 2018. The art style looks very impressive, with a combination of 2D pixel art and 3D environments. It is also very reminiscent of Blade Runner, full of neon signs and flying cars. While only a small trailer has been released so far, the unique art style and gorgeous animations sees it as already one of the most ambitious indie games of next year. As far as gameplay goes there isn’t much known about, although from the trailer it seems there could be a lot of interacting with other people. Any game that can show evidence of having fresh and innovative ideas is worthy of being on my watchlist I believe, and this is no exception.

Another indie project I’ve been keeping my eye on is Hello Neighbour, developed by Dynamic Pixels, which comes out of early access in early December and is a stealth horror game centred around trying to break into your neighbour’s house to find out what he’s hiding in his basement. I think the concept sounds intriguing, and from the beta footage I’ve seen it seems like it has a lot of potential, with an advanced AI that counters your moves and evolves based on what you do. It has promised a variety of gameplay too, with many different ways to attempt to break into the house and objects to interact with. Because the developers chose to go down the Early Access route, they have been working closely with the community and have tweaked the game continuously based on feedback. Because of this and positive reception from beta players I think there’s a high chance this could be a great game.

Lucas, D. (2017). The best upcoming Xbox One indie games heading your way. Retrieved from Gamesradar:

Broomhall, J. (2017). Heard About: How Playdead used a real human skull for Inside’s audio. Retrieved from Develop-online:

Tinybuild. (2017). Hello Neighbour. Retrived from Tinybuild:

Robertson, A. (2017). The Last Night was one of E3’s most dazzling games — and also its most frustrating. Retrieved from The Verge:


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Task 6- Post Modernism


Postmoderism was born as a reaction against moderism. While moderism focused on technique, form, and realism, post modern art focuses on the subjects and the message it’s trying to tell. It introduced a era of freedom within art. One of the post modern art movements that stands out to me is surrealism, for these reasons. In my own interests surrealism seems to be a reoccurring theme so that’s what I focused my research on.

The first image is an illustration by Emiliano Ponzi, titled “The Death of Postmodernism”. I think the title speaks for itself- the literal death of a Campbells Soup can, one of the most famous pieces of postmodern art. I think the imagery of the two nuns praying over it is effective, and the style in which the illustration was drawn is very similar to pop art, so the whole image is consistent and the soup can doesn’t feel out of place. I also like how Ponzi kept the rest of the colours very simple and pale, so the red and white of the can stands out in the illustration. What stands out to me from this illustration is that its self aware.

The second image also fits in with the pop art style. The illustration was used to advertise a new bar, and feature dreamlike scenarios together- reminiscent of the surrealism movement. Because of my interest in surrealism this image appeals to me, and I especially like the imagery and colour scheme; the colours contrast against each other really well and I like the whole hyperreality aspect.

The third artist is Ian Quirante, who also works in surrealism. He shows different forms and shapes in his paintings, and cartoon figures that reflect his psychological state. Each of his paintings tell a story; you need to look for all the little hidden details to fully understand what he’s trying to communicate. His work reminds me of Picasso and cubism because of the shapes and simplified forms. Like Haddad, his work also features a hypereality aspect, however Quirante’s style is a lot more realistic than the other two images, since he works in oil paint, and not screenprinting.

Ponzi. E, 2011, The Death Of Postmoderism, [image] Available at <>

Haddad. M,2017, Unnamed, [image] Available at  <>

Quirante. I, 2009, Unnamed, [image] Available at <>

Select one example to outline the key concepts of the interactive narrative genre:

The Warlock of Firetop Mountain is a Choose Your Own Adventure book released in 1982 and written by Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson. The book is centred around 3 attributes assigned to the player: Skill, stamina and luck, which are related to swordsmanship, determination and overall fitness, and how lucky you are as a player, respectively. You use these attributes to fight enemies (or flee) and try to make the correct decisions to get the best ending possible. After making decisions you are told to turn to a specific page to continue that narrative, and eventually you will reach an ending, which may be bad or good depending on your actions. While typical fiction books are one-sided, as you can only watch a story unfold, in interactive narrative games such as these you are responsible for the character’s journey, making these very engaging books to follow along with. While there may be limits to the story you can create, the uncertainty that comes with making a decision means the story is never predictable.

Does the interactive narrative still have a role to play in video games today? Give exemplary examples

Yes absolutely, and I would argue that the role they play in video games is greater than ever, as the possibility for more immersive stories and worlds only increases as technology advances. Games such as Telltale’s The Walking Dead: Season One and Life Is Strange offer impressive and believable worlds for players to create their own story in; you feel like your choices make a difference. While often gameplay must be sacrificed for story, as game developers usually don’t have enough resources to focus fully on both, more recent games such as Life as Strange have a brilliantly structured interactive narrative but also fun mechanics, such as being able to turn back time. This balance has helped to keep the genre fresh at a time where gaming is at its most ambitious; recent open world games are bigger and denser than ever, but engaging games like Life is Strange are equally as appealing.

Another way that Life is Strange has revitalised the genre is through your choices actually seeming to make an impact. While Telltale’s The Walking Dead may make it seem like there are a string of different directions you can take the game in, inevitably they all lead to the same ending, and this is typical with all Telltale games. However, in Life is Strange, even the smallest decisions seems to have a weight on how the story will go, which eventually help to shape your decision at the end of the game. While the structure of the two games are very similar, Life Is Strange is different in that your story can feel very different to someone else’s because of how you choose the behaviour of the protagonist. I believe interactive narrative is still evolving in games and certainly has a big role to play.

Cyoa. (n.d.). One Book, Many Readings. Retrieved from Cyoa:

Green, J. (2014). You Are The Hero. UK: Snowbooks.

Nicholson, R. (1982). The Warlock of Firetop Mountain.

Dale North. (2015). Even the smallest choices matter in Life is Strange (preview). Retrieved from Venturebeat:

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Interactive Narrative

Select one example to outline the key concepts of the interactive narrative genre?

One example that has an interactive narrative, which in this case is a game, beyond two souls, the key concepts of this game and its interactive narrative genre, Beyond two souls first came on the PS3, this was the follow up from multiple game of the year awards for its ground breaking interactive narrative. To some people “Interactive storytelling” can be a bit of a dilemma, the interactive part of the game is done through storytelling and it is about uncovering a character through multiple choices put in your way.

Therefore the story is mainly done as a structure, a non-linear structure so that you are not always going done a set path so it is often structured  to put the person through different scenarios and almost force them to become someone that they might not be, and that might be because of the decisions that you might make in the game and that can often be at times a representation of the of the player playing the game, so in some cases its like you have given your personality to the character and a lot of people might enjoy doing the game because they how the player may fair if they were put into the game universe. Some games for example in the Dragon Age franchise the game gives players the ability to choose how the characters mortality be in the game and have different mortality affects how the game is played and sometimes so the core gameplay at times and this might get the attention of people that not played dragon age games and try and bring that player base into a new game that they might not have played but might enjoy playing because of the different scenarios that your character might be in.

Structure for Narrative

Does the interactive narrative still have a role to play in video games today? Give exemplary examples?

The interactive narrative does in fact still have a role to play in the video game industry, in fact it has a huge role as there have been games that have taken this interactive narrative and implemented it as a main game play mechanic and most of these games are well done and have won multiple game of the year awards for example: Beyond Two Souls, The Walking Dead (Telltale Games), Heavy Rain, Until Dawn, The Wolf Amongst Us and Remember Me. These games are extremely popular, and they still have a big impact upon the game industry, and I do not see them going any time soon as they type of games are becoming more and more popular, therefore the type of games will still be relevant to this day, As these games have set the pinnacle for interactive narrative games and they give inspiration to the game industry so developers can make really good  games, for there is this game that been the making for a while, Detroit Become Human and it seems like that game has a very intensive interactive narrative.

Another Narrative Structure



Week 7 – Reviewing

Over the last six blogs I have been testing out different methods of researching and seeing what works for me. I feel that the best method I can use for researching is finding a source, reading it, then recording my findings. I am not sure that it is helpful to me to watch really long videos in a lecture room about something I am not interested in, however as I am entering the graphic design world I do know I need to get used to doing this. I feel that I need to be better at watching a video and taking facts from that and recording as I get too distracted by what is going on, on the screens rather than in the video and finding facts.

I have learnt how to summarise a method and research piece at the end rather than leaving it on a whim and not explaining myself fully so that I do not need to go back to it and try to catch up. Using references was new to me but I found this part a little helpful as I could go back to my sources and double check my information I had retrieved was correct.

Overall, I found the past 7 weeks interesting and helpful with my skills in researching and communicating information and feel it would be interesting to take it further and push myself so that I was able to improve these skills.

Task 8. Appropriation

Appropriation of Dana Schutz’s Painting ‘Open Casket’ Showing the Dead Body of Emmett Till- 1941-1955

What Dana Schutz creates intrigues me. Her political and racial fearlessness is something that I aspire to emulate, successfully and creatively delving into topics that cause discomfort when addressed. Her work is characterful and textured in pieces such as ‘Sneeze’, a collection produced after her graduating from Columbia, with layered paint and embodying “
what it feels like to sneeze”. Other work like ‘Self-eaters’, a fictitious group made up by Schutz, who eat themselves and can later revive their missing limbs, is for her stylistically and conceptually more common; she does not normally paint about reality or publicised events.

Held in the Whitney biennial in 2016, Schutz’s ‘Open Casket’ caused an uproar. Black protesters stood in front of the piece so as the white audience couldn’t easily consume the work. Furthermore, a letter by Hannah Black, an artist and writer, was written to the curators of the exhibition stating that the painting should be ‘destroyed’.

Throughout the process of my research I knew that I wanted to work with Schutz’s ‘Open Casket’. However, I decided to bring it forward to the contemporary issues that live on today regarding black oppression and racism. I took four black figures that have been popular in the public eye over the last few decades; BeyoncĂ© Knowles, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles and Michael Jackson. I used their faces to cover Emmett Till’s, whose face led to so much grief and legal injustice. (Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam were acquitted of both murder and kidnaping, later admitting in an interview that they were the killers.)

My final appropriated piece is Emmett Till’s face covered by a pencil drawing of Michael Jackson. Jackson’s determination to remove his racial identity highlights the segregation that still is present in society. Born a black man, he died with the appearance of a white Caucasian male.





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