Category Archives: Fine Art

This Category should be selected if you are a Fine Art student.

Task 8

I chose a picture of Yunfei Ji and a three-dimensional model of my integration and fused them together. I was fascinated by the ancient charm and the farmhouses and luxuriant plants in his paintings. The meaning implied in this painting makes me feel cold and upright. The tranquil forest lives with the evil thoughts of people and people, reminds me of combining my work with this painting. The color of Yunfei Ji’s paintings is like the real life of people calm and gorgeous, and my work is derived as a kind of evil thoughts, from the people’s hearts, came to another unrestrained world. The world on this side is not any color, only has a simple black and white, people feel more deeply evil and the obvious contrast with this world, people reflect on their own actions.

Task 7

These works are full of realistic style at the same time filled with the author’s meticulous work. They combine different cultures to combine reality with two-dimensional space to revitalize slightly older works. These works have a common philosophy, that is fusion. This convergence makes people feel something different, make the audience feel interesting, to marvel at the original combination of this is feasible. However, these mergers also make people reflect on these things changed by ‘me’ really belong to me, or belong to a violation of the original author? I do not think there will be an answer to this question. Different people have different views on this issue. However, I deeply feel that this integration is an excellent art and has great room for development for us to develop. It’s an art without any restrictions, and everyone can make great work that people find interesting and enjoyable and well-accepted.

Task 6

In my own opinion, an ideal working space should be generous enough to hold 3 or 4 people after everything is placed. I hope this is an independent space, so that I can quietly do what I want to do. The table needs to be large enough to hold both the computer and the different materials. Different materials neatly placed in the wall cabinet, so I can always get what they need to use items. There’s a simple kitchen at the corner of the room where I can make some fresh food for myself; there’s a small fridge under the table for some frozen drinks. The light in the space is white and bright, with an independent corner that makes me unaffected.

Task 5

Johns, Jasper

The exhibition that I’ve seen recently that left the deepest impression was Mr. Jasper Johns’ oil paint ‘flag’.  This piece of work gave me a huge impact. When I first saw it, I only thought it was a simple painting because the American flag fills the whole painting with a full visual impact, including the artist’s love for his motherland. After that, I found out that the brushwork of this painting is very delicate. The unique brushwork of this painting made me feel this painting is soft, like a silky carpet. The color he used made me feel a little old, because the yellowish beige gives a feeling of being placed for some time. Let me think it has sufficient visual impact and representative meaning, full of his delicate soul.

Task 4

Jasper Johns:”Something Resembling Truth”


Mr. Jasper’s painting left the deepest impression on me was the ‘Flag’. An entire American flag fills the entire painting, fully demonstrating his love of his motherland. His paintings are exceptionally detailed, and prints of the same painting are more or less different. Some of his paintings are bright colors that make people feel happy, while others use dark colors to make people feel negative energy. Some of the paintings are very realistic, with even the words above, while others show the things he wants to express in color, but there is no fixed form.

“A Bar at the Folies-BergĂšre” was an oil on canvas made from Édouard Manet, a France artist, in 1882. The most vivid women in the picture seem to have pulled out of the crowds emerging from the mirror behind her. She is elegant and charming, yet stands alone on the back of the bar, in a seemingly indifferent and extremely exhausted look at the viewer; this ponders upon what the charming woman is thinking? The young woman’s face was rosy, the men and women in the mirror behind her were having a love affair stealthily, the bright roses on the table were placed in the small goblet, which represented the splendid and fragile love.

Task 2

Albert Oehlen ——Spiegelbilder (Mirror painting)

This book tells Albert’s drawing style, genre, and the unique technique he used to present his paintings in this book. His usual technique of painting is’ bad painting ‘, which consciously destroys the existing schools, techniques and vocabulary in the history of modern painting. In this book, he paints the conscious destruction by adding’ Mirror ‘concept. He is always out of the ordinary card, for example, he let the harpist musician to unplug the harp strings, making his paintings very attractive. The mirrors in these paintings give these paintings a sense of space, which makes the space in his paintings very confused. He consciously presented the scene as a two-dimensional scene in the mirror, while the three-dimensional world outside the mirror allowed the audience to see different scenes when viewing the paintings at different heights. He combines the abstract and the realism fully, letting the audience feel the attraction of painting and at the same time he has attacked the history of modern painting.

Task 1

The creature I draw is based on a bat and looks very cute. As a result, I came to realize that this creature does not have to exist in a two-dimensional form. It is entirely possible to make three-dimensional models such as dolls and remote control toys. Cloth doll size is not necessarily, but also as a unique shape of the pillow, this unique product will make people like this type of doll interested. Remote control toys can refer to remote control planes, bat wings that can be tapped, horns that emit lights of different colors, and tail that emits sounds different from the body, which are very attractive to boys

Task 10. Summary of Work Content

Task 10: Image Summarising Work’s Content


An Elective Setting Whereby White Males Dominate The Entire Democracy:


‘Hands of the very men that held them as slaves’

Throughout the Manifesto project, I concluded my writing was more powerful in an anti-manifesto format, as opposed to any positive claims of things advocated. I feel this is down to human nature as we often kick against what they’re told to do. Therefore, once given freedom of choice to decide if we agree with an outrageous and ill-informed statement, we are more likely to take the moral high ground independently.

Similarly, work that I’ve produced whilst doing Research and Communication tasks has suggested a hint of irony, such as the appropriation task. Here, I placed the heads of black celebrities who have been successful in the eye of the public on the painted head of Emmett Till, produced by Dana Schutz called ‘Open Casket’ created in sympathy for Emmett’s grievous mother. The exposure was to broadcast grief and mistreatment, not to launch any kind of fame. Michael Jackson’s bleached white face over Emmett’s was the final outcome, raising a tremendous indignity on those who made Jackson, in his latter years, feel unhappy in the skin he was born with.

Task 9. Philosophy, Theory and Politics

Task 9- Philosophy, Theory and Politics

Carolee Schneemann Interior Scroll

Below is a print of two photographs documented from a performance piece at an exhibition called ‘Women Here and Now’ in New York, 1975. In front of a largely female audience Schneemann undressed and brushed her limbs with dark paint. As part of the performance aspect, she would take ‘action poses’ as though she was a life class model. She then read aloud a scroll she pulled from her vagina. This was argued by Robert C. Morgan to be ‘a feminist exploration her own body’. The scroll’s content is written on the two sides of the print in columns. The text itself is powerful, addressing how men traditionally are ordered and rational, whereas women tend to work from intuition. Amy Newman writes in the New York Times ‘the art world wasn’t shocked, it was confused and embarrassed’ in the 1960s about art that was purely of a sexual nature.



I admire Shneemann’s outrageous performance piece ‘Interior Scroll’. When looking inward, over my first year I hope to grasp and tackle poignant current issues. She writes that ‘in some sense [she] made a gift of [her] body to other women; giving our bodies back to ourselves’. With such an ambitious belief, conceptually and visually in her work, included in other pieces of her work also, it’s hard not to notice Schneemann as a hugely important feminist artist, offering guidance to women who may struggle with their own bodies.