I created an installation earlier this year exploring the insignificant. This concept became more refined when I began documenting journeys. I did this when I realised how overlooked journeys from A to B are. Olafur Eliasson significantly impacted this project. He used the movement of a train to determine the trajectory of a ball covered in ink; it was a form of direct documentation of a journey. I explored this through my own journey recordings, and began to explore energy transfer and how I could remove my own subconscious control so that the marks made were more authentic.
My interests expanded to the potential ways I could document journeys. I looked into Theo Jansen’s Strandbeests, and the way in which they utilised a natural force. The process of the journey is what became important to me through the development of my ideas, which is why I ended up including a video of the process of a journey that some contraptions that I had made undertook. These contraptions were inspired by the work of Fischli and Weiss: no longer was I relying on a pen to record journeys, but instead, contraptions made from insignificant objects. A video became the main focal point, to celebrate these otherwise insignificant processes and journeys.