Technology is the mortal enemy of art

In my opinion I agree yet disagree on this quote. I understand why some people may feel strongly about this. Some people love the fact that hand touched pieces are best, as there is a real connection with the artist and their work. The real life paint brush, pencil, or any other type of medium. “Artists today, on the other hand, operate with clicks of the mouse, video tools and digital colors, which even if they ostensibly mimic old traditional tools” – Mohamed Zaher. So what he is trying to say is digital work will only be mimics of traditional work.
Manar Abdel Maboud
On the other hand I understand why people also disagree. Why should it be the enemy? Why is it not a positive? Technology has helped art come a very long way. We are not only limited, we now have amazing digital help to create even better designs. Very precise things we can create digitally, try out many different versions of the same design in the click of a button, erase a mistake very quickly rather than restarting the whole thing. That is an advantage for artists, everyone wants things to be created quickly, and digital way is the best way for quick outcomes. Also you can still add hand made elements in to your digital work. Create some illustrations by hand, scan them in, work with those etc. It does not all solely need to be digital if you do not want it to be.
  • Zaher, M. (n.d) The Impact Of Digital Technology On Art And Artists Available at:
  • Aleksandr Rodchenko (n.d) Who We Are Available at: (Accessed on 20 November 2017)

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