Task 9/10

The advertisement from Duncan Quinn: 2008 ad campaign shows us an extremely violent of woman reined and dominated by a man behind a car. This image surprisingly appeared in 2008 Duncan Quinn Suit .As it shows us, it seems like Duncan Quinn obviously enjoyed killing this woman and holding a necktie around the dead woman who is bleeding from her head. Like holding a dog, he is very much controlling his lady and an evil emotion l can see on his face. Perhaps Duncan Quinn want to show us a kind of dominance, power and maleā€™s right in his suit, but it is against feminism as well.

The reality is that term ā€œfeminismā€ was used in early nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It can be involved into political and sociological theories, philosophies concerned with issues of gender difference, as well as the right of equality of the female. In Duncan Quinn advertisement, it eventually violates early theory about feminism, the necktie (means constrain), under a manā€™s dominance (means unequal between male and female), bra and bleeding head (means ethic oppression). Furthermore, until 1975, the first British Sex Discrimination Act was found, and with encouragement of the UK, the European Community ensured this law and followed Britainā€™s step. In the law, female and male have the same status in life, work and society, but Duncan Quinn ad did not respect womanā€™s right such as manā€™s power and womanā€™ s murdered.

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