task 9

Antony Gormely’s contemporary sculpture entitled “Bed” was made in 1980 using hollows of eaten layers of sliced white bread. A key theme in this piece is destruction of matter through consumption of solids transferring to liquids and gasses. Theoretically this could convey religious belief of the body’s ability to transform into spirit. Contrastingly Robert Rauschenberg’s piece “Bed”made in 1955 uses everyday found objects meanwhile Gormely’s materials are bought to construct the art. There is a similarity between the two pieces in that they both depict human form and are very intimate. Gormely’s piece is intimate as the volume of the artist’s body is represented by empty space. Rauschenberg’s piece is intimate too in as it’s a self portrait that uses items that belonged to him used in his daily life. Another personal piece that relates to the of a bed focal point is “My Bed” by Tracey Emin’s made in 1998 with Mattress, linens, pillows and objects. Although this work doesn’t depict human form it is still alike in that there are intimate details of the artist’s life which engage the viewer with ideas of universal emotions. The idea of universal emotions is similar to Gormely’s work in which he believes his work is universal as it refers to the inevitable obliteration of all substances through consumption and furthermore the universal philosophical notion of God’s existence. The main concept for Gormely’s piece is depicting an intimate self portrait that relates to ideas of universal philosophy.

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