Task 8

I feel the research and communication is has been very useful for me because of all of the things that I have l learnt from the lectures some of the useful things I feel that I have picked up are the ability to find artist, being able to find work from particular periods of art and design as well as reviewing written work that talks about art and design.

I feel like I have gained some useful skills in my ability to pick out work from designers this will be useful for me because if I need to make a piece of work from now on I will know some useful artist and graphic designers that I can take some inspiration from their work and use it to help develop my own work. This is also useful for when I will need to do artist evaluations if I get give a brief then I will be able to find a reverent artist and will be able to use the skills from research and communication to be able to go in depth about pieces of work that they have as well as their style of working.

I have also picked up the skill of know what period of art history a piece of work came out in this is very useful because before the research and communication lectures i didn’t know the different time periods of the different art movements now that i know all of the different times that these movements happened in I will know what to base my work on if I am told to work is a similar style to one of theses movements.

I have also have strengthened my ability in review the message that a work or book is trying to give off and discuss my interpretation of what the message that the piece is giving off. This will be useful for me because it will allow me to do detailed artist analysis of different artist and the work that they have made, it will also be integral to my own growth as a designer because if i can talk about the message the other people are trying to communicate then i will be able to more effectively communicate messages with my own work. This will also allow me to better enplane the messages that I am trying to communicate when i am reviewing my own work.

Overall I think that all of the researcher and communication work has been very useful for my development this is because I feel like I have developed a better understanding for the way designers and artist work and they way the present their work to convey a message. I need to know how to do this effectively because if I can’t communicate a message effectively then my work won’t be very successful because people wont understand the message so the piece will seem meaningless or pointless because the point of art is to convey a message to somebody

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