Task 10: Upload one image of your choice to represent your practice, and exactly ten words.

A still from my film











Choosing one image only to represent my practice has been a real challenge. My practice is so varied and there’s such a wide range of areas that I am interested in and media I enjoy working with and want to explore further. Therefore I decided to choose an image from my most recent project: Artist’s Film. This image is a good representation of my love for vibrant colour and high quality/detail. The film I made showed a girl’s mouth pressed up against a glass surface, her tongue and lips moving around in different coloured substances with vibrant contrasting lipstick colours.

Another passion of mine is making wearable art, which links strongly to the human aspect of my work.  In the past my practice was mostly based in drawing and painting. I’m still very interested in painting as a media but at this stage I want to explore everything before I settle into a more permanent way of working. My practice is still very much evolving, and I am really enjoying the discovery and experimentation at this stage in my artistic experience.

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