Reflective Summary – Alex Low

Reflective Summary


Over this first part of my semester I have been set certain tasks to investigate different aspects of design. The first part of my project was to gather ideas from the barbican due its shape, form and architecture. When I first went to the barbican I didn’t find the place very appealing for inspiration, but it was a good start for my drawing skills for combining shapes. This has had an impact on my drawing skills for observation, patterns and shapes as well proportioning the design which is something I need to improve on. The second part of my project has had a good impact on my 3D design skills. The final outcome of my idea was to create a 3D model asset and by using primary research to develop my idea is an aspect of good design; ‘’10 principles of good design’’ -Quote by Dieter Rams who talks about each key principle about a good design…


  • Innovation
  • What makes a product useful
  • Aesthetic’s
  • Making a product understandable, etc..


Innovation can be a key method in design, it incorporates a transformation in design which can have an impact on 3D design. By following a different area of 3D design could change how I do things differently in the future. One thing I could focus on on the future is how to use new methods with more original style, which would be helpful from my 3D modelling skills.


Saul bass –  a famous artist for typography and motion graphics. Typography is something that can be crucial in 3D design, as it is arranging the style and appearance of a certain shape/form of art. Motion graphics can teach me how to manipulate something in 3D into an illusion for animation. Although my skills are very limited in animation, it is also something I can improve on for 3D design purposes.


Limitations in drawing can be problem for me, using more innovative ideas can help improve my motivation for drawing more and making my designs more broader. At the start of my project I came with the idea of making a creature using Mudbox for 3D sculpting. When it came to the thought process my drawings didn’t give me enough to work with to establish a theme for my character and his overall form which then I came out with something very cliche which hadn’t had enough input into it.


‘’Is it possible to make anything new?’’ By identifying new resources to create an idea can be helpful. When observing a structure, think about the culture around it, it’s overall form and typography. When this research is introduced to a 3D asset it will look more original.

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