Rand C 4

I feel in modern design it is almost impossible to be truly authentic this is because design has been around for so long that if you feel like you have an original piece you will often only a piece this is loosely inspired by somebody else that made a similar piece this is because almost every idea has already been explored at least once so whatever your piece will just be a reinterpretation of an older piece it will just be under a different name and for a different client. Even if the idea is unique it will still have some influences weaver big or small this will not make the piece authentic but it will make it unique. I feel like there are elements of modernism this will still be found in work today and example of this would be photography this is a very key thing for designers because they will be able to use these photographs with their posters this will allow designers to cater the image that they will have to one specific piece of work this opened the door for more designers who make something a lot more physical pieces then they were able to photograph them pieces and make them a part of a collection.

To conclude I feel like it is not possible for an designer to be truly authentic because the amount of work that has been made. But you can create unique work this is only loosely inspired by other peoples work.

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