Ben Teague – The History of Indie (Week 4)

Choose one of the indie designers / developers and outline why there work and approach is of interest to you:
Larian Studios have recently gained a massive success with their game ‘Divinty Original Sin 2’ which is a Role Playing Game developed for Pc and Xbox. “Larian Studios is an independent RPG developer founded in 1996 in Gent, Belgium.” (LarianStudios, 2017)
The first time I encountered Larian was when I saw their kickstarter for ‘Divinity Original Sin’, in 2013. It was a prequel to another game they made called ‘Divine Divinty’. I personally do not trust kickstarter anymore as there has been a lot of scams and wrong doings happening on their, but, given their history and proof of game development, they got their money and made the game. It was a huge success. So much so that they later produced ‘Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition’ in 2015.
What I like best about Larian is how they kept the fans up to date. They would post daily updates at first, then as the development got more demanding it turned to weekly updates about the game. They also provided all the fans, backers, etc with an alpha and beta build of the game everytime is was update to ensure that what they were paying for was worth it. They also treated their fans and people who weren’t fans very well. They had a few backers who weren’t happy who were immediately refunded and apologized to.
This is something that is very important to an indie developer, customer interaction. Because you don’t have a father company to fund or make you, the only thing keeping you going is the players. So having them like you and your creations is vital to your success. This is something that I would want to happen in my own indie company, whether I am just an employee or the employer.

What do you think could be the most exciting indie projects that are in development:
I am very excited about an upcoming indie title called ‘Ashen’, in development by ‘Aurora44’.
“Ashen is an action RPG about a wanderer in search of a place to call home. There is no sun and the natural light that exists comes from eruptions that cover the land in ash. At it’s core, Ashen is about forging relationships.” (ashen-game, 2017)
I saw this game on the E3 livestream earlier this year and it stuck out to me for a number of reasons; Firstly, it has an amazing, simplistic low poly visual style to it, which I love. Secondly, it has clearly taken inspiration from the ‘Dark Souls’ series, heavily in terms of gameplay. I love the ‘Souls’ series so to me, this is a big plus.
Now that I have read more into the story behind the game, it has made me even more excited. Especially the part about their world having no sun and little natural light. This immediately sets the tone and mood of the game for you, before it has even been released.
None of the other indie games I saw on the live stream peaked any of my interests, not because they weren’t different but simply because they were not any of my favourite genres of game, so this one is the only indie game I am currently exited for at this time.

Ashen. (2017). About. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Dec. 2017].
Larian Studios. (2017). Larian Studios. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Dec. 2017].

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