wk6 Postmodernism

Postmodernism describes a movement which happened between the mid to late 20th century a time when people became more sceptical people wanted the truth they knew the truth of human nature. This scepticism probably came from people living through two world wars, it made people come more face to face with reality the depression which lasted years after the war was finished made the younger generations rebel more against what the older generation had said, through the depression came a new voice for the working class who were angry or searching for their own identity. The skin heads were angry about immigration and the lack of jobs which came after the ww2.

Nick Knight followed the skin heads and made a book showing illustrations of how they dressed and images of them in the real world. The images show them doing what they would normally do they would, listen to music, spend time with their friends in public, but also them getting in trouble with the police. The Skinheads were notorious for their bad behaviour.
Jamel Shabazz is a photographer who went around working class parts of America taking pictures of the culture in the 80s. His work is empowering of black culture at the time showing how although they didnā€™t have a lot of money they still worked hard, took pride in their appearance, and had a great sense of community.

Tracy Eminā€™s work is a great example of postmodernism she is very blunt in her work, she doesnā€™t make art to make people feel good. Her honesty is what most people like about her work, she visualises the pain of the modern world. Her most famous piece, ā€˜my bedā€™ was created in the worst time of her life when she was so depressed she couldnā€™t leave her bed for months.

I take influence from all of these artists work, I enjoy photographing people but I work for them to be honest images of people even if it is painful.


Skin Head (1982) Nick Knight

Back in the days (1980) Jamel Shabazz

My Bed Tate gallery (1999) Emin

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