Task 9

Jason deCaires Taylor is a British contemporary sculptor using his art to draw awareness to environmental issues. He casts statues from pH neutral materials and submerges them underwater in places like Lanzarote. The concept is that these sculptures increase the surface area that coral can grow on. In addition, he hopes that these art installations will provide an attraction for tourists to distract them from further damaging the existing reefs. His pieces provide a gateway encouraging the audience to explore the ocean which hopefully will inspire them to protect it. As well as drawing attention to environmental issues, he has recently done a piece called “The Raft of Lampedusa” showing people crammed into a boat referencing the Syrian refugees who have died trying to escape the conflict in Syria. This piece is not a tribute to those who died but a statement of the responsibility we have for our global community.
A place that is a tourist attraction is also the place where so many died trying to reach a better life. The contrast of joy and grief in the same location emphasises the lack of balance and the need for Taylor’s notion of global responsibility.


SEGAL,C. (2016) Europe’s first underwater museum offers a stark reminder of the refugee crisis. PBS NewsHour. Available from: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/arts/europes-first-underwater-museum-offers-a-stark-reminder-of-the-refugee-crisis [Accessed 1 December 2017]


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