task 4 – is it possible to be truly authentic?

Over the past century art has developed, changed and become extensively popular within society. In this generation appearance is a major factor within our lives. Meaning our own appearance, the things we do, where we live and where we go are judged. We feel the pressure to fit in and copy others to earn a higher status. This means we are finding it hard to be authentic. We use a mixture of different materials to create a so called perfect appearance but lack to create our own.

Within the art world we are discovering new things every day. However, we struggle to make them popular so we refer to original ideas and techniques that have been successful in the past. As most people are thriving to be better and different there is such a struggle to be spotted amongst the crowd, so much so we end up losing our authenticity because we are too focused on being the best.

It is incredible how much art and fashion has changed over the years. We can see how different elements have reappeared within the modern day but adapted to fit in with today’s society. I believe we will struggle to be authentic within the next few years as we have discovered so much already. However, machines and technology are evolving and becoming more powerful then ever that we may discover new and much more modern styles that us humans haven’t been able to create or discover yet.

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