Task 11





Colour orientated







My practice has yet to be developed into a definite set of ideas and methods, rather I have come to university with experience in oil painting and printing, but I want to exploit the resources here and gain skills in sculpture, new media and printing before I refine into a practice. I have a keen interest in the natural world, exploring natural objects, patterns and phenomenons especially through printing processes. My intention is to discuss the relationships between humans and nature and how it can be improved.

The image I’ve chosen is a recent piece that represents my current interests in the natural world and how humans perceive it. It is a circular print of abstracted markings on a butterfly. The symmetry was particularly important because I am inspired by how organisms have evolved to be more symmetrical to increase attractiveness for reproduction. Although I made each stencil symmetrical when they printed there would be mistakes making the print imperfect. This felt right because in nature there isn’t 100% symmetry no matter how much humans genetically modify organisms. The words I chose are words I use to describe my work and support the image I’ve used. 

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