Task 11

My blogs has covered a wide range of art research skills in the beginning it had ushered in a new emphasis of thinking around the process rather than product and seeing my art works as an open-ended piece specifically in the earlier tasks. It was challenging but these opened a new direction of development of my own practice and to think outside what I already know about art. It helped me refine my analytical and critical thinking skills through ways of seeing art in real life and apply different theories both old and new to art works. It has also encouraged me to create more experimental art beyond a traditional canvas exploring different materials with mixed media, creating art that doesn’t entirely reflect on my usual mode of practice which is etching. Painting is one of my weaker skills, yet the tasks have encouraged me to not concern myself with the outcomes and see my paintings as works in progress which is clearly seen in task 10 when I had photographed an old watercolour paint and processed it through different filters. This gave a whole new nature to the piece that iv always thought was finished. I have more confidence in assimilating another piece of work into my own pieces and in fact it has helped me create more fascinating works from it. The hardest task for me was task 7 where I struggled to interpret the ideas the authors were discussing as it was hard for me to filter the main arguments and conclusions though I learnt a lot about the impact of picture planes and the risks that come with creating sight specific art. Overall I have definitely found it a difficult and confusing at times but I have learned some useful skills and ways of thinking that I has aided me in my art practice and made me more open minded in general when it comes creating art.

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