R and C 2

Research and communication 2I found the line “Thinking that life will be better in the future is stupid. I have to live now” under the heading: “Things I have learned in my life so far” in my diary. The client graciously agreed to use it on the poster advertising the School of Visual Arts in New York. An entire life cycle of caterpillars and butterflies lives within the twigs. Art Direction: Silas Rhodes; Design: Stefan Sagmeister, Irina Thaler, Paul Rustand.

This is a poster made by the graphic designer Stefan Sagmeister this is a poster saying hoping for a successful future is pointless you need to do something now to be able to ensure that you will have a successful future. This is poster is similar to the type of poster that I would be make when I use graphic design I will often use typography in my work and accompany the type with a background image or working the text around the image. Whereas in this image Stefan Sagmeister has made the text the image in this poster he has done this by making all of the words look like they are all twigs that are growing out of tree branches. This is also different from my work because when I would make a poster I will often use a lack of colour I will normally keep it mostly black and wight with the only colour coming from an image that would be accompanying the image whereas Stefan Sagmeister has colour all over his poster this this to me has the effect of creating posable distractions for people to look at this also could make people look in the wrong place within the poster whereas with a simple poster you will know exactly where to look and this will make it easier to find all of the key information.


I feel that Sagmeister has created a very unique looking poster with the way that he has spaced out all of the different words to fully fill out the space on the page.

Sagmeister produced 2006 https://creativepro.com/typetalk-the-typographicexpressions-of-stefan-sagmeister/ accessed December 2017

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