Nikki S. Lee Part (14), 2002
Nikki S.Lee is known for her series of works named ‘projects’ in which she assimilates in a variety of cultures, recording her interactions through photographs. However this work is different as although I believe she is attempting to portray a certain persona I don’t personal see it as explicitly linking to a specific culture.
What’s interesting about this piece is the use of crop. From the left of the frame you can see a male arm which sits across the subjects shoulder. But his identity is hidden, his face left out of the photograph. That makes the viewer question firstly who he is and also why he has been cropped out of the photo. Was it done purposely? To me this looks like half a picture, like it has been intentionally cropped to withdraw the mysterious man on the left. This could possibly link to a break up of a relationship, where she has tried to remove him from every physical aspect of her life, even photographs. This paired with the glazed over stare makes it seem like in this moment she is unhappy, looking out past the frame, out of the car, possibly a metaphor for longing for a better future.
The amateur and candid nature of the photograph further emphasises the intricacy within the moment captured. This effect is created by the lack of professional lighting, as this it is only lit by natural light and the overall lack of detail within the photo.
Anon, 2017. Nikki S. Lee. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 6 Dec. 2017].