Dennis Stock

Photography can connect the viewer of the image with the subject always conveying a message, feeling and a story. one photographer that conveys this is Dennis stock in 1947 he became an apprentice for Life magazine photographer Gjon Mili.Stock is well-known for his photographic series on James Dean.I have always been interested in the story of James Dean and the connection with these images.


The Magnum photographer met the young actor in 1955 in Hollywood, after a five-hour meeting after the day they met the young actor agreed to go to his hometown and New York and create a photographic series.

Stock evoke the spirit of America through his iconic portraits, with the photo series of James Dean he wanted to show a new brand of celebrity.

Looking at this image of the young actor back home it shows him at a crossroad, this image shows the contrast between where he once was and where he is now and how fame cut him off from home knowing he could never go back the same.

From his hometown they went to new york, this is where the actor studied but what caught the photographers attention was the Dean was insomniac so he didn’t sleep night he captured one of his most iconic images, walking in time square in the rain the image only took four shots. This image is iconic and different it defines a troubled generation as he looks so out of place in a busy place.

When back home Dean took Stock to a furniture store, he took him to a room filled with coffins the actor simple jumped into one and shouted for him to shoot. The actor made light of the situation which made me think anything that scared him he would joke about. This photo was taken and it was so raw and authentic it couldn’t be fake it showed a lost soul not sure what else to do with life little did the actor know that seven months later this image would become reality. 

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