When given the brief to make a passport and share information about myself I thought about making something to wear like a bracelet due to it’s practicality. However, I felt that wearing personal information would be expose you to other people. That lead me to think about structures that could fold in on itself and  protect private information. Chatterboxes folds into itself three times and I put private information in the middle and layered it over with more open information. As the title was trace I experimented with tracing photos from my phone onto acetate. The transparent nature of acetate meant that I could layer multiple images over each other, further concealing the more private aspects of myself. As the ink wouldn’t dry on the acetate I applied sellotape to stop the smudging, however on reflection I would have let the ink smudge and replace them with new memories, as prominent memories in your mind always shift.  An interesting avenue to develop into would be to present  each fold as a different identity of myself.

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