Task 10

  • layered
  • coloured
  • textured
  • bold
  • small-scaled
  • subtle
  • vibrant
  • distorted
  • obscured
  • abstracted

I chose this particular picture because it is a perfect example of my work as a whole, as I have been combining abstract painting and photography. I have chosen these ten words because these are most suitable to describe the picture and the emotional response I have to the piece and other aspects of my work.
I have chosen the word ‘layered’ as I tend to enjoy experimenting with depth using colour, creating layers upon a flat image. I also have been experimenting using different mediums in one image. For example, this image was once just a photo to which I then painted some thick yellow lines down the face in order to hide any emotion. I then photocopied it and made it black and white with blue stripes, I then re-uploaded the image onto my laptop and placed some work by Liu Wei upon the top.
Colour is very important in my work, particularly vibrant colours. I like to see the effects that the same images but of different colours have on the audience. I find it interesting how the difference in colour effects how the viewer perceives the image or what they think the meaning behind it could be.
Furthermore, I have been looking into textures and how different materials effect the image, although this isn’t the case with this image. In other aspects of my work I have been using materials such as cling film and tissue paper to cover the face and distort it. I often photocopy the piece which leaves an image to which can be quite uncomfortable to look at, because it looks as though its more than just a flat surface. Creates an illusion of texture.

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