Task 1: Module introduction and developing ideas.

Stag lady – Georgia Weaver



The above piece of artwork is something that I began while researching for the contemporary art project.

As part of my research, I began looking at different contemporary artists and identifying themes that they each have that I find interesting. For instance, Dan Hillier’s artwork really appeals to me as it combines mythological ideas along with Victorian imagery. Expanding on this idea, I decided to draw a woman with antlers coming out of her head to show the idea of a half human/half animal.

I gave her skin an unrealistic blue tone to it, and I also gave her purple eyes. The reason I did this was because I wanted her to look like a human but have characteristics that were impossible for a human to have, thus making it seem almost mythological.

The colours that I chose in this drawing are based on colours that I feel celebrate femininity and are present in the majority of my artworks. These colours are: purples, pinks, light blues and greens. I feel that these colours alongside her antlers and glowing complexion gives the woman a mysterious powerful presence. The jewels that she has give the audience an idea of wealth or superiority. I put a spider in the necklace to elude to a darkness or creepiness.

In terms of mediums, I decided to create this drawing with pencils and pens to try and make them contemporary. Artists such as Grayson Perry use marker pens in their work to make their artwork colourful and child like, so I decided to do the same to portray the woman as a mythological and mysterious creature.

In order to develop this piece further, I would like to experiment with different colours, maybe through print making or through digital collage in Photoshop.

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