Task 11 and 12 Summary

During this semester, I have been set various tasks asking to complete a range of writing on different topics. I have found some quite difficult for example the reflective writing task as the academic writing was unlike anything I had read before. I am pleased with the way my tasks have turned out and I have tried my best to meet the criteria set. I feel I have learnt valuable skills from both our lectures and my writing. I would say that I am more interested in the practical side of this course but still find writing essays and doing tasks engaging, especially the way in which our lectures are conducted as they give us ample information and deliver it in a fun and interesting way, making me want to complete my work and meet the deadlines within the time. Looking back, I mostly completed all of my assignments on the week they were set, knowing that if I left them until the last minute I would have struggled writing them all in bulk. I could have improved upon finding a way to use the library in a more efficient way as I found it quite difficult to locate and match my ideas and concepts with books on the topic – for example in the reflective writing task I struggled to find a book that was relating to the original idea of taste being dependent on the person. I particularly enjoyed the ethics task, as it was very interesting to write on the topic of feminism, as I am familiar with this as I did Sociology a level. I found it interesting because the photographs were both very outrageous unlike any advertising I had seen before, making me want to look into the reasons why they had advertised in this way and what the reaction would be – most people find it shocking. I am certainly looking forward to next semester and the topics to come, however, I find essays quite challenging so may find it more difficult than this semester. Adjusting to writing again after the long summer holidays was quite a shock but did the best that I could. Moving forward, I could improve upon my writing by using more connectives and making my sentences more intellectual and degree level. I could use the skills that I have learnt in the future when referencing a photo or webpage in any jobs in the arts, this is bound to come up. The skills that I have learnt are; being able to use the technique of Harvard referencing, analysing the ideas and concepts behind an image, writing about one photograph or image for a length of time, breaking it down which will be useful in the industry depending on what part I wish to go into. For example, I could use it as a freelance designer for inspiration and explaining my ideas and concepts or doing this for a large company, working for multi-national companies like Next or Topshop.

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