task 6

Unlike modernism which is about getting answers, being original and being constructive. Post modernism is the opposite and is about having doubts, asking questions instead of just finding the answers and deconstructing things.


This image of Richard Hamiltons collage of “Just what was it that made yesterday’s homes so different, so appealing?” using the words that have been given the best word that describes this piece is deconstruct. In my opinion deconstruct is the best word for it because it is a collage and a collage is a piece of work made up of different materials to form one. This piece was made in 2004, so is fairly recent and the piece is questioning itself which is what post modernism does it makes you question the work you are making instead of trying to just find the answers like modernism.

I then got an image of Roy Lichtenstein’s work “that’s the way.. it should have begun,” I feel like the word that describes this piece the best for post modernism is doubt because if you can’t tell the woman in the piece is having doubt in her thoughts. Whom or what she is thinking about is unknown to us so we have to guess what she is thinking about by questioning the art piece itself.  In my opinion I really like this piece, because the way Lichtenstein has made this piece is very intriguing with all the bright colours and minimal amount of detail.


Finally, I got an Andy Warhol piece “Marilyn diptych” and the word that describes this the best would be ‘show’ because of the repetition of the art work it is putting on a show for the audience, by using the same images over and over again it engages the audience in and makes them question Warhol’s intentions of doing this and why did he decided to do it in black and white also.


Hamilton, R. (2004). Just what was it that made yesterday’s homes so different, so appealing?. [digital print on paper] not on display: tate.

Lichtenstein (1968). That’s the Way – It should have begun ,. [Colour silkscreen on cardboard] Bern, Switzerland: Kunsthalle Bern.

Warhol, A. (1962). Marilyn diptych. [silkscreen] Great Britain, tate.

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