Task 3-Nikki S Lee Part (14) 2002

The figure in the image is sitting slightly to the right of the frame rather than directly central, with a male (presumably) who has his arm reaching across to the figure in the frame. The setting for this piece is in the back of a car, possibly a taxi. The figure takes up the majority of the frame, suggesting the artist wants her to be the main focus of the viewer.

Her facial expression appears to be distant or disengaged with her surroundings, also there is a large gap between the two people. This suggests that she doesn’t want to be sat near the man, and is trying to ignore him.

The light source is coming in from the back window; this makes the foreground appear darker and creates a halo like affect around the figures head. Subsequently, this causes the eye to be drawn to the figure, emphasising the artists desire for her to be the focal point. The cropped frame of this image also suggests this idea. This cropped style also creates a mystery around the man that is sat just out of sight, who is he?

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