RCS Wk 2

Dan Mountford.                                                       Marco Goran Romano

The first image, produced by Marco Goran Romano, is a piece that I see as relevant to my own style and applied visuals when working with graphic techniques and mediums. To me the image is showing how the current generations are over run with worries surrounding energy and making sure that the planet can flourish without having all resources depleted; the use of yellow within this piece allows for a somewhat poisoned effect, I chose this image as it has such a clean and clear visual that communicates a narrative.

The second image that I selected, produced by Dan Mountford, shows a more photography orientated technique however manages to communicate a similar message to Romano’s, to me this piece communicates the relationship people can have with a place or a memory in a certain location. Even though I wouldn’t personally work with photography as a medium I appreciate how it can heighten certain series or images to make the narrative and atmosphere clearer to the viewer in comparison to other mediums.

Its always insightful to view and research a variety of mediums and practitioners who often use them, being able to see the comparisons and contrasts between pieces can influence my own work for the better and help me gain understanding on the infinite styles, techniques and visuals that make up the graphic design world.


Mountford, D. (2012) Flickr.[online] Available from: https://www.flickr.com/photos/danmountford/6761416497/ [Accessed 14 October 2017]

Anonymous. (2015) Partfaliaz. [online] Available from: http://www.partfaliaz.com/illustrators/minimalist-vector-illustration-by-goran-factory/ [Accessed 14 October 2017]

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