Appropriation: Task 8

For this task I decided to use an artist I had previously researched Jenny Saville (b1970-). She is famous for creating paintings of the face, in a figurative form and sometimes texturizes her work.
Saville uses images of her own body or others and makes realistic paintings. However, the images I decided to appropriate were two different paintings of a squished face. Reference (closed contact (1995) by Jenny Saville.) Saville was fascinated by the idea of surgery and how this could change it for better or worse. The colour tones within the paintings are marvellous.

However, I get a sense of danger or pain, the reason for this is her face looks swollen or bruised. Though, I feel this is not the case and not Saville’s intention. My version of her images turned out to be very accurate and were very funny to observe. I decided to do mine in black and white as I wanted more depth in my images. The actual process that I used was to lay my face flat onto a photocopier and take pictures of my face squashed onto the frame. This is how I was able to appropriate an image of her work and assimilate it into a piece of my own work.
Overall I found this work to be very fascinating and satisfying.

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