Task 1 by Bianca Schmittmann

For a recent art examination I have painted a portrait of myself using the techniques I have developed in the last year. The task of the exam was to create a painting of choice and I have not painted a self-portrait using the techniques I have developed, therefore I thought that this would be a great opportunity to try something new. During the creation of this work as well as painting what is seen from the photograph, I added random colours and shapes to make the portrait more visually exciting. As much as the figure in the foreground takes the main focus, certain smaller details and features in the background stand out too and make it just as visually stimulating.

To develop this piece further, I would love to expand it. I would add more characters/ shapes and scenery to build the narrative further. I personally think that large pieces have such an impact of the viewer, because they can be filled with so many details. I could also attempt turning it into a triptych, where I’d have three or more portraits of myself creating a step by step story of e.g. my emotions, mental states etc.

self portrait, 01.09.2017, oil on canvas (~ 40 cm x 50 cm)

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