R.C.S. Task 4&5

 1970s vogue

This photo is from Vogue December edition, 1971. An image found related to what influences Zandra Rhodes designs. It is a happy colourful image, The tones are warm but vibrant. The main focus is on the dress which is full length and with more frill at the bottom. Lots of floaty fabric, the pattern is quite abstract and full of colour. The angle of the photo is maybe trying to suggest that it is a holiday snap, taken by the women in the photos partner. The kite also has a feel that it is at a festival – the time of free living and love.

Vogue during that time and many similar photos. Lots of maxi dresses, models with long flowing hair. The colours are all quite varied and vibrant and yet warm. The fashion at that time was for floating dresses. A time when women wear was becoming more and more unreconstructed. Music and festivals and young people were beginning. Many of the photos in Vogue seem to emulate ‘hippie’ and ‘gypsy’ styling. The models looking happy and wistful, Sandra Rhodes was a popular designer at this time, her designs being very floaty, colourful, vibrant. Jean Muir was also popular, again with designs that were loose and colourful.

Other articles in that edition of Vogue are slightly different. Just as colourful but set in a built up setting such as a house in Marrakesh. Some of the clothing is also a bit different. Still some images of loose dresses but some of straight line trousers and tightly draped tops.

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