Image Analysis-Task 3

This image belongs to a series of photographs surrounding the theme of Nikki. S Lee’s life. However, to each photograph she has cropped them, leaving just an arm or half a face. This image shows Lee sitting in a car next to a significant other or friend, looking distance and saddened. Whether this is due to the company or the destination she is heading is unclear. However, there is much distance between her and the adjacent person therefore suggesting to me she is uncomfortable with the presence of this person.

To me this image gives off the impression of isolation and a deep unhappiness, I get this purely from her expression and the juxtaposition of both people. The colour scheme as well adds to this low atmosphere as the colours appear dull and lifeless. These gloomy tones also reflect into her clothes and makeup. This makes me feel cold and lonely as these colours are usually uses to refer to these emotions.

My conclusion of this images is that it conveys connections between existence and non-existence.



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