Task 3/4: Academic Integrity

Task 3 & 4: Academic Integrity; Gaudi research

fkf Bergos Masso, J.B.M, 1974, GAUDI, El Hombre y la obra, General, Barcelona, Universidad Politecnica de Barcelona.

I have chosen to look at this book, as one of the artists I am researching and getting inspiration from, is Antoni Gaudi. Therefore I thought that this book, which provides information all about his life and his work would be very useful to look at. Gaudi, is one of the greatest Catalan architects, his work is a grand inspiration, the shapes and patterns throughout is of great detail and inevitable to pass by without a second glance.

mjb Collins, G.R.C, May 25 2010, Encyclopaedia Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Antoni-Gaudi, Accessed: 19th October 2017

This website, is very useful to find information of artists and other specific areas. I decided to use this website as it also provides information of Gaudi’s life, projects, past creations and allows you to assess yourself in order to make sure you have learnt and understood what you have just read. This way your knowledge will expand and be broadened with the articles provided.

juedjf Filler, M.F, June 25 2015, The New Yorker review of Books, Gaudi’s Great Temple

This being a News Paper article, is showing a different resource which could be used to research Gaudi. I chose this article, as not only it gives information about Gaudi and his work, but it also informs you about what his work has brought to the citizens and to Barcelona, such as tourism, rise of the economy and other aspects which need to be considered when researching an artist and the impact their work has had.


  • Filler, M.F, June 25 2015, The New Yorker review of Books, Gaudi’s Great Temple
  • Collins, G.R.C, May 25 2010, Encyclopaedia Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Antoni-Gaudi, Accessed: 19th October 2017
  • Bergos Masso, J.B.M, 1974, GAUDI, El Hombre y la obra, General, Barcelona, Universidad Politecnica de Barcelona.

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