Bolton, Andrew (2011) Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty, New York: Ā Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York Post (2010) End of the Line, New York Post, 10th February, 4-5.
Alexander McQueen Trading Limited (2017) Alexander McQueen. Available from: [Accessed on 19th October 2017]
I chose to reference these sources because not only are they undoubtedly relevant and of interest within the world of fashion but they are each closely linked, stemming from a hard-hitting and important newspaper article, notifying the world of the death of British fashion designer Alexander McQueen. The book ‘Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty’ was of course hugely inspirational to me when I first discovered the work of McQueen when studying fashion in school, and visited the Savage Beauty exhibition in London. It is for this reason also that I chose this theme for my sources.
When searching for a news paper article within the theme of Alexander McQueen, the availability of coverage on the news of McQueen’s suicide was of course wide and its popularity allowed me to easily access lots of information and subsequently many other related sources in different formats. These sources were in the form of various websites, articles, products, books etc, relating to McQueen and his life, career, shows and of course his successful and widely popular fashion design label. The sources I found were relatively easy to find references for as they are so popular and therefore well covered by the media; the official website for Alexander McQueen’s design label was easy to locate and navigate through.