Task 3&4 Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

Leitner, Christina (2005) Paper Textiles. London: A&C Black.

I found this book by Christina Leitner in the WSA Library. I enjoy manipulating lots of different materials, so I though this book would be interesting to explore. Throughout the book it covers lots of different ways of working with paper yarns; such as knotting, crochet, braiding and twisting along with the future of paper yarns.

Dallas Museum of Art (2017) Iris Van Herpen: Transforming fashion. Available from https://www.dma.org/art/exhibitions/iris-van-herpen-transforming-fashion#summary (Assessed 19th October 2017)

After finding the book on paper textiles, I then wanted to find an exhibition on similar concepts and the future of manipulating fabrics. From previous research, I remembered Iris Van Herpen is very futuristic and creates stunning garments using a whole range of different craftsmanship and manipulation processes such as laser cutting and 3D printing. After searching for exhibitions on her, a Google search took me the “Dazed Magazine” which mentioned she has exhibited in the Dallas Museum of Art.

The museum webpage touches on how her experimental and futuristic processes are transforming the fashion industry and is becoming a pioneering voice for the whole industry. The exhibition says, “She is known for her willingness to experiment—exploring new fabrics created manipulating iron filings in resin, incorporating unexpected materials ranging from umbrella tines to magnets, and pushing the boundaries of technologies such as 3-D printing” which enhances on the fact she is innovative and is completely transforming the future of fashion.

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Shavin, Naomi (2016) Iris Van Herpen is revolutionizing the Look and Tech of Fashion. 2nd May 2006. Online report at Smithsonian.com https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/iris-van-herpen-revolutionizing-look-and-tech-fashion-180958969/?utm_source=facebook.com&amp%3Bno-ist=

After reading how the Dallas Museum of Art believe that Iris Van Herpen is transforming fashion; I found this online report about how Naomi Shavin believes the same. On Smithsonian.com, Naomi talks about how her technical processes and futuristic designs are revolutionary; and are shown through their silhouettes, finest details and innovative materials.


  1. Paper Textiles, Christina Leitner
  2. https://www.dma.org/art/exhibitions/iris-van-herpen-transforming-fashion#summary
  3. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/iris-van-herpen-revolutionizing-look-and-tech-fashion-180958969/?utm_source=facebook.com&amp%3Bno-ist=

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