
Good design is INNOVATIVE
Good design makes a product USEFUL
Good design is AESTHETIC
Good design makes a product UNDERSTANDABLE
Good design is UNOBTRUSIVE
Good design is HONEST
Good design is LONG-LASTING
Good design is THOROUGH down to the last detail.
Good design is as little design as possible.

> Visualise Dieter Rams 10 Principles of Good Design


> Do you feel like these ideas are relevant within Games Design today?

Absolutely. The fundamentals of the 10 principles focus not only design but also user interaction, which is the most important aspect of Game Design. When visualising Dieter Rams Principles I was inspired by classic and modern games like Snake, Tetris and Minecraft as they have followed most of these rules by using a simplistic form and allowing the players to decide what happens within the game.  The games make it obvious what these designs are used for by shapes, interaction and texture/colour.

The only principle that may be a tad misleading would be : Good design is Environmentally Friendly. However games have been said to influence the actions outside of the virtual world through violence; and I think a good heart-aching story line could change some people’s perspectives of an environmentally friendly lifestyle.

I have chosen the puzzle game Limbo as a representation for the 10 principles as the game creates a very unique horror atmosphere that is very aesthetically pleasing. The game is easy to understand and play however advances to make the game challenging. The game limbo has a nice contrast of nature and man made objects as well as the colour scheme being only black and white with silhouettes of objects and figures. As well as providing instruction to the player it also allows for the players imagination to try and figure out the puzzle.

limboPhoto credit: Playdead


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