Megan Fragopulu – Fine Art // Task 2

I find that using the university library really helpful because you can find what you are looking for and other artists similar to the one you are studying a lot quicker than if you were to find them online.

For this task the book I decided to study was Pink Floyd – The Wall (1982). It includes lyrics by the rock and roll band, Pink Floyd, combined with stunning images by David Appleby and illustrations by Gerald Scarfe.

What I liked most about the book is how you can read the lyrics while listening to the album and really engage with the lyrics and the music. You can also see how much time and effort went in to creating the album, film and book. The unseen images really give the reader a look into the making of the whole process. As for the tone of the book, most of the photos are in black and white or have elements quite dark colours or low exposure and high contrast. The photos combined with the lyrics give the book an eerie feel which complements the war theme.

Recently I have found myself more interested in books that have a combination of media so this book was perfect for me.


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