Terminal Bar

The Terminal Bar is a short film/documentary directed by Stefan Nadelman. The documentary features 2,500 portrait photographs of customers visiting the bar taken by the bartender at the time and father of Stefan Nadelman. During the short film Stefan is shown to be telling the stories behind the photos and what happened during the customers visits. Stefan carried out this project from 1972-1982 although the style of the photographs stayed the same we as the viewers can see the change of the bars nature throughout the years.

The layout of the film has a very unique style. Showcasing newspaper articles written about the bar, highlighting key moments such as the complexion of the bar and it coming to the end of business between slideshows of images along with music chosen to link with the stories behind the images. This style of production is very successful and helps the viewer understand and picture what the bar was like.

Stefan’s aim was also to document the state of the bar and what surrounds it. Drunken and homeless people were left lying on the streets while well dressed workers walked past without a care in the world. Several bars were also set up around the Terminal meaning there was a lot of room for crime to take place.

This film is a beautifully set out piece that reflects what life was like for a majority of people living in Manhattan during the 70’s. It is interesting to see how Newyork has change over the years.

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