Through my eyes- Task 1

untitled 2 untitled 3 untitled

In my first week, we had to create a passport that consisted of aspects about myself. Each page contains something different that either describes me or my interests.

The front page would be the first page people would see. So, it had to make a statement about who I am. I also added my fingerprint and lip outline as well as numerous numbers that are significant to me. ­­

The following two pages had my family and friends, this included photos and some drawing which I had drawn. I decided to do the drawing on acet­­­ate as it transparent yet effective because my relationship with my friends and family are open and honest, I share everything with them.

The centre of my book, consisted of images that related more to what I like. On one page I created an atlas using markers and in between the spaces I inscribed all the places I have visited. The final two pages consist of my favourite quotes along with symbols. To me these pictures and quotes summarise me as a person. 

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