Patricia Odysseos-Suther: Task 1

These pieces were part of my A2 exam project; the concept behind them being to play with folding various materials to discover how the processes and outcomes differ from one another. To create these pieces, I drew, weaved, and painted images of folds in various materials such as fabrics, paper, and foil; allowing me to display a variety of geometric and organic folds. The idea of folding the folded images was inspired by Aldo Tolino’s work with the intricate, geometric folding of paper to ‘transfold’ images. I experimented with a variety of different folds, some being finer and more accurate to generate different shadows and space; by photographing them with harsh lighting, I created intense shadows to make the folds more prominent. I produced these pieces as a starting point for a composition which combined all the elements I explored for this topic; this included works inspired by Tolino, Umberto Boccioni, and Bridget Riley. They also allowed me to discover a variety of outcomes that could be produced with geometric folding. From here, I proceeded to create my composition with the main element being the physical, geometric folds.

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