This task has enticed me in knowledge and understanding of etymology of the word ‘Fashion’ by ready part of ‘The etymology and the definition of fashion and clothing’ in the book fashion as communication. after reading a section of the first chapter I understood that it was explaining what ‘fashion’ originate from which is the Latin word for ‘factio’. This first chapter has gain me understanding of what this course was about and how fashion can be interpret by other people.
Through analyzing the chapter, I came across a section that goes in detail of ‘fashion and anti-fashion’ which discussed that fashion makes a huge impact on cultural statuses and social environment, I believe with this statement as we live in an age of technology and that most of the stuff that people of the high caliber such as designer make a commotion into the way fashion is normally perceive, which is reflected in the way people view fashion as a statement piece; people are all about making a statement into the way they clothe themselves to express themselves, for example people who bend and exploit other people’s cultural appropriation, such as people who are uneducated into these matters are mocking other people’s culture, by dressing inappropriately with the essence of still clothing themselves in the same clothing in other cultures. Anti-Fashion is defined as any fashion that intentionally contrary to the mainstream. There are many styles and personalities that people reflected to the way express their individualities in fashion. But these styles may provoke those with low understanding such as people in the older generation into thinking what’s perceive in fashion specially with the young kids dressing with very little clothing these days.
An example of people who provoke fashion and gender norms are David Bowie, Lady Gaga, Ruby Rose broke gender norms and was accepted by public, although battle some criticism but due to time they were approved by society eyes and that made people be open to more of fashion being more forward than backwards. I believe that fashion has left some part of the traditions in order to move forward and do better thing in the future, this has always been the route of fashion as it’s a place to be innovative.
Looking at anti fashion made me realize that fashion is evolving as years go by and I think that we should be open to people’s art and it shouldn’t be shunned in society as it should be celebrated, however I do get the consequence’s into dipping into these kind of themes as there are sometimes considered provocative in society’s eyes and it shouldn’t be because due to all the fashion advertising have always moved forward in fashion and that we should keep moving forward to open our horizon’s, I believe that most fashion these days are considered an art form that wearable art we see in event shows such as met gala and other platforms such as stages, award shows, music videos etc…
Bernard, M (2002) Fashion as Communications, London