Human – Computer Interaction

Human – Computer Interaction

“Human–computer interaction researches the design and use of computer technology, focused on the interfaces between people and computers.”

Though the Witcher games are considered to be among the best in terms of their story and later on their gameplay, Witcher has suffered from a number of ups and downs during its long run. Witcher 2 was renowned for its terrible UI for the PC, with CD Projekt Red developing the UI specifically for Xbox and not for PC’s or other gaming devices. The UI was clunky, awkward and just down right terrible. The same could be said for the first Witcher game as well, which suffered from some of the same problems. The UI suffered from a number of problems, mostly due to its poor inventory and other aspects attached to that, leading to an awkward process to access certain parts of the game which were supposed to be used on the fly.

The ability to use the computers and more so the internet has opened mankind up to an unlimited, digitalized Library of Alexandria. With such a wide array of information at our fingertips, technology is already augmenting humanity not in a physical way, but also psychologically – which has it’s pros and cons. Humanity now is smarter than it has ever been, but due to our reliance on technology certain social changes have occurred, especially over the last two decades. Though we are connected through the power of technology, we have also become disconnected from each other physically in some places.

It is possible that in the future this may be built upon and expanded, or perhaps not. It may be possible that we are able to link our own minds to the digital plane in some kind of pseudo-digital world similar to the Matrix, or that we ourselves shed our corporeal form for that of an android, or even a server network.

Wikipedia. (). Human Computer Interaction. Available: Last accessed 7/12/17.

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