Ben Teague – Artificial Interlligence (Week 6)

Some definitions state that AI is when a system thinks/acts like a human and other definitions state that it is when a system thinks/acts rationally. Why do you suppose AI developers wish to hold up human intelligence as a standard rather than pure logic?:
I think they do this because we are the “smartest” species we know. Nothing on the planet can compete with our intelligence, so comparing something that we are trying to make intelligent is the easiest comparison we can do.
I think it also has this competition sort of component to it. This competition revolves around whoever can program an artificial intelligence that can mimic human intelligence the best. And that’s all.
In terms of video games, I think this has its place. Especially for characters in games that are human. So giving them an AI that one could compare to an actual human seems logical. But, for other NPC’s in games, I don’t think this is the best. For example an animal or alien. For the animal the AI should just act in a highly logical way, as they do in real life, but we shouldn’t be able to perceive it as smart or stupid in the game, we should be able to compare it to an animal.
Now the alien; this is something that I think could act in either a smart way, or a logical way similar to the animal AI. This is because it is something that has no real comparison in the real world, therefore can act in the game however the developer wants.

A lot of people are scared by the prospective of AI. What do you think would be the ramifications of us achieving true “strong” AI?:

Personally I think those people are overreacting. The whole “AI’s are gonna take over the world” thing is stupid and has no research/proof backing it. Humans will always be smarter than AI’s, end of.
However, I think that in time, a long time, there could be a sort of… freedom to how an AI could work. For example, it would be able to actually communicate to humans, rather than being programmed to say things. This would be something that would really advance media such as games and movies. If the NPC you were talking to in a game, was actually talking to you, in its own words. That would be like entering a new world.
So far, these are all positive things. There would definitely be negative effects from this type of advancement. The programming time, especially to implement into a game, would probably be ridiculous thus making the development process of games take even longer.
The AI’s could eventually be changed to be used with things such as windows, it already has Cortana who likes to annoy you every update, but imagine if Cortana could actually talk herself, and you couldn’t just simply turn her off. She is the only way to use the computer.
“Unfortunately, there will always be limits of AI, which is why Grobman states that human-machine teams will be key to solving increasingly complex cybersecurity challenges” (Kh, 2017)
It is already being implemented into security at an early state like this. But image a future where someone could hack into the AI of a bank, then they gain full control of the bank. It could make cyber terrorists, criminals, etc operate more frequently and with more ease.

Kh, R. (2017). How AI is the Future of Cybersecurity. [online] Infosecurity Magazine. Available at: [Accessed 6 Dec. 2017].

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