After being inspired by a lecture by Roxana Halls I decided to use her work for my appropriation task. The painting I chose to appropriate is called ‘Laughing While Eating Strawberries’ and was made in 2015 Oil on Linen. This portrait is of a women eating strawberries maniacally looking up at the food laughing. The painting has an obvious colour scheme of blue and red tones. Halls made this in disagreement to women who give up identity and people who think a women can only indulge in food once they look really pretty. She says that she envisions her paintings and what she wants them to look like before starting a piece. I find this to be an interesting concept as working from a mental image relates a lot to memory. As a play on this idea of memory. The method in which I chose to distort the image was to glitch it. This affected the colouring of the image in interesting ways I hadn’t preconceived, for example, exaggerating the blues into turquoise’s and reds into pinks and purples. The glitch also created horizontal lines of colour across the work contrasting against the naturalistic style of the painting and also making it impossible to see some of the painting. This is also symbolic of memory as sometimes we remember parts of a memory but not the full memory e.g. some things in memory are clearer than others.
task 8
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