Task 4 – Ways of Seeing Pt.2

My chosen exhibition is the one our First Year Fine Art class has made for the Manifesto Project. As short as it was, however, it was also a big surprise to me.

The exhibition included different works varying in content and in media including paintings, installations, video installations, texts, prints and other objects. The exhibition was displayed only for a week but it was still very intense. It also provided a good opportunity to get to know a little bit more about the more personal aspect of each other’s work. To my surprise, I was stunned at how aware and how politically sensitive the whole class is to certain socio-political issues while there was still enough room for silliness and self-comedy to make it a more forgiving and less burning experience for the viewers.

As a practitioner, I really enjoyed being part of this exhibition, and the social conversation that followed it which helped to get to more about the work and interests of my peers not just as art students but also as entrant artists who are all very different and having important, full-fledged ideas about the world around them.

The exhibition could be viewed on the ground floor of the Westside Foyer in Winchester School of Art and it could be viewed by anyone but mostly by the students of the University of Southampton.

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