Task 2 – Consume a book

My chosen book to summarize is the novel “The Castle” from Franz Kafka. It is not a book I chose from the library but a book I had. I chose this because it’s closely related to one of my recent works and it’s the only book lately I could read from it’s beginning to the end.

In the novel, the protagonist only known as K is coming to the village but struggles to fit or gain access to the local authorities governing from the castle. Kafka’s protagonist has to face a bureaucratic windmill fight which prevents him to settle down. He can’t start his work even though he has been called there to work as a land-surveyor.

As he tries to get access to the local bureaucracy he learns that the people from the village can’t address the people from the castle and they can’t enter the castle either.

Still, the people of the village holds them in high regard even if they are unsure about what are they doing in the castle so his determination to get access to the castle and to the authorities seeds distrusts in the locals. K is stuck in one place as he can’t progress any further and slowly being alienated.

The castle remains a mysterious form in the background as the book remains unfinished.

Kafka’s death prevented him to finish his novel.

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