Week 6 – Postmodern Images

This postmodern photograph shows a surreal image of goldfish in a room with a boy. This is showing an image which is clearly not real. By deconstructing different elements from different walks of life and merging them together you are able to revealĀ a new image. The gold fish are in a way in their own environment because the blue tones in the photograph have connotations and are revealing a presence of water in there. However there is a boy in the photograph too. He is also feeling like he is in his own environment because in the blue tones there is the first bedroom which obviously belongs to him. This shows that together both focuses of the photograph are showing they are in their own environments but its made to be surreal and merged together.

This postmodern image is an illustration in the style of a pop art image. This is a contemporary image and shows it is living in the present. The colours are not so vibrant in this image, theĀ only part of the image is the yellow that is standing out and drawing your eyes in. The background is quite boring and not revealing much about the image.

This postmodern image is a mismatch of photography, collage, and editing. I think this image is quite a conversation starter, rather an odd piece if I am honest but a complete contrast to my previous images. This image is very contemporary and modern in society these days as mismatch art is quite on trend. I think the colours in this image do not show it in its best light because they do not complement each other. The picture has quite an ugly outlook to be honest.

To summarise I do not feel a connection with these images and I do not feel that they tell an amazing story. I feel if you are trying to make a contemporary image they are a little odd and out there. The feelings and messages these images send me are a little muddled, the only image I feel tells a story and connects with me isĀ the first one.

References: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=zPSscIUm&id=F53F5700EB269ECFABF9DE8D06603E929661FAD6&thid=OIP.zPSscIUmpVgaEsNHWZRuKgEsDt&q=postmodern+photography&simid=608008117942749220&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0



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